Monthly Archives: December 2018

Silk Road Travellers’ Texts Conference, Zhejiang Normal University, 15-16 December 2018

On the 15th of December 2018, Dr Sally K Church presented a paper entitled “Illuminated Texts Presented to the Mongol Khans by 13th-14th-century Western Travellers” at the International Conference on “Silk Road Travellers’ Texts from the 13th-14th centuries: Bibliography and Research”, held in Zhejiang Normal University 浙江师范大学, Jinhua 金华, Zhejiang 浙江, China, 15-16 December 2018. She was accompanied by Yasmin Faghihi, Head of the Near and Middle Eastern Department, Cambridge University Library, who presented a paper on “Paper: A Commodity and its Impact on Cultural Expressions”. We were fortunate to have Zhao Luyang 趙魯陽 with us to help us navigate to the conference and prepare our 12-minute presentations. She was an excellent interpreter and commented masterfully on our papers.

The name of the conference in Chinese was “13-14 shiji silu jixing wenxue wenxian zhengli yu yanjiu” yantaohui (‘13-14 世纪丝路纪行文学文献整理与研究’研讨会).